Dla leniwych: http://www.wowwiki.com/Onyxia%27s_Lair_Attunement
Zaczyna się w Kargath / Badlands u npc: Warlord Goretooth
1. [60] Warlord's Command (http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=4903) --> LBRS
2. [60]Eitrigg's Wisdom --> Orgrimmar
3. [60R] For The Horde! --> UBRS (trzeba zabić Renda Blackhanda)
4. [60] What the Wind Carries --> Org (Thrall)
5. [60] The Champion of the Horde --> Desolace (Rokaro)
6. [60] Mistress of Deception --> Western Plaguelands (Myranda the Hag)
7. [60R] Oculus Illusions --> UBRS
8. [60+] Emberstrife --> Dustwallow Marsh (emberstrife)
(następne 3 questy - trzeba zabić elite smoki w krainach)
9. [60R] The Test of Skulls, Scryer --> Wintespring
10. [60R] The Test of Skulls, Somnus ---> Swamp of Sorrows
11. [60R] The Test of Skulls, Chronalis --> Tanaris
12. [60] Visiting Emberstrife Again --> Dustwallow Marsh
13. [60R] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz ---> Wetlands (tez elita)
14. [60] Ascension... --> Desolace
15. [60R] Blood of the Black Dragon Champion --> UBRS (trzeba zabić Generała Drakkisath)
No i jak ostatni zrobimy, to mamy amulet, który jest kluczem do jaskini Onyxii :)